This one took a long time because I kept messing up on the Black Waltz 2 fight. The first time I got to him I accidentally attacked Black Waltz 2 when I shouldn't have and triggered the multi-target Fira. The second time I got to him he targeted Steiner in round 2, so I had Vivi attack him to finish him off, but he survived! (d'oh!)
Here's how it went when I finally did succeed. After looting the chests and rescuing Vivi, I opened the door and encountered two ghosts. Zidane's turn came up immediately, so I had him Flee. I got the chests in there and headed out of the underground, equipping Zidane with the Mythril Dagger and Feather Hat and activating Bandit. The guide doesn't say to give him the Feather Hat, but I do it so he's guaranteed to survive Black Waltz 3's Thundara without needing a Silk Shirt. I want him to gain more AP for Protect Girls, so he's keeping the Leather Shirt on.
When I got control of Steiner, I optimized him and activated Bird Killer since I forgot to do that earlier. The only change in his equipment is the Iron Helm. Then I'm ready to take on the Black Waltzes. Black Waltz 2 opened with an attack on Zidane, and I retaliated with Fire Sword and an attack from Zidane. Black Waltz 2's next move was to blast Vivi with a Fire Spell and knock him out, which was just what I wanted him to do. Steiner and Zidane continued to pound him, and I had Dagger heal Zidane just in case. It turned out to not be necessary because Black Waltz 2 attacked Steiner next. Still, I wasn't about to risk another screw up! By keeping track of the numbers I saw that one more attack from Steiner would finish it. Due to my aforementioned kleptomania, I had Zidane use his turn to steal and got a Steepled Hat. Steiner then finished the battle with another attack.
Once that was over I knew I was home free. The battle against Black Waltz 3 is practically scripted as long as you do what the guide tells you to do. When Zidane's second turn comes up he has nothing better to do, so you might as well steal. I got another Steepled Hat. In Lindblum, I removed everyone's equipment except for the Wrists, read Ruby's letter, and saved. My time is now 01:35:11.
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