It didn't take me too long to get my perfect boss fight. Here's how it went:
Round 1 -- Sealion attacks, Zidane steals Ether, Black Waltz 1 attacks
Round 2 -- Sealion attacks, Zidane uses Potion, Black Waltz 1 attacks
Round 3 -- Sealion attacks, Zidane steals Mythril Dagger, Black Waltz 1 attacks
Round 4 -- Sealion attacks, Zidane uses Potion, Black Waltz 1 attacks, Trance!
Round 5 -- Sealion attacks, Zidane uses Free Energy, Black Waltz 1 is dead
Round 6 -- Sealion attacks, Zidane attacks
Round 7 -- Sealion attacks, Zidane uses Free Energy for the win!
It only took 8 hits to get Zidane to trance, which was perfect for this situation. I barely managed to survive at the end. Zidane was left with just 2 HP. After the battle I went back to Mois and saved with a time of 1:01:38. Now that I've experienced my new strategy, I think it's decent for the average player. Extreme speed-runners, however, will probably want to use the more traditional method because you can get better results that way if you're patient enough to get the best outcome.
With that out of the way, I proceeded to the exit of the Ice Cavern (finally!). On my way out, I equipped Vivi, Garnet, and Zidane with Wrist so I could get them out of my inventory. I didn't save on the way to Dali. It's not that far, after all.
At Dali, I spent the night at the inn, then gave Gumo his letter from Mois. Outside, I took a couple seconds to pick up the 120 gil on the ground. Then I quickly visited the farm, followed by two visits to the pub. When that was done, I talked to Vivi, then into the shop to talk to Dagger. Choosing the first option followed by the second option saves a bit of time here. I then sold my three Phoenix Pinions, and bought 99 Wrists, 5 Feather Hats, and 3 Leather Shirts for synthesis later. After some scenes, I entered the underground and looted the first two screens. In the third screen, I checked the barrel to get the moogle to pop out, then climbed the boxes to the Ether. I then picked up the next moogle letter and saved while still standing on the first box. This saves a second or two-- not a whole lot to get worked up over, but still something.
My time now is 01:12:35.
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