Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Fossil Roo and Arrival on the Outer Continent

There's not a whole lot to say about this segment. It's mostly just avoiding encounters and picking up treasure. I made my way through Fossil Roo, grabbing all the treasure along the way. I skipped the second save with Mogki because getting from there to Kuppo is easy. It took me 12 hits (the maximum) to free Kuppo, but I still gained over the target time overall thanks to the save skipping.

I saved with Kuppo, then grabbed the Survival Vest on my way out of Fossil Roo.  It was surprising how many times I had to reset because of an encounter on my way to and from the Survival Vest. I definitely recommend saving before that if you skip the previous save like I did. Once out of there, I ran all the way to the Chocobo tracks without a save or encounter. I did my business in Conde Petie according to the guide, then left and saved outside Black Mage Village. My time is now 04:40:48.