Leveling Setups

Here's what you equip to each character to reach maximum stats at level 99. I'm only typing out the setups when they differ from the ones in letao's guide. For the ones that are the same I simply provide a link that will provide you with the information. Just equip each item for the specified number of levels.






The first setup I provide here is the one I used. His other stats don't increase from limiting his spirit, so I let him go to 50. The second (in the link) is for if you have Steiner take Abadon's experience.

Balanced Quina Version
Optimal stats: 50 Spirit, 79 Strength, 65 Magic, 27 Speed
Optimal equipment setup:

from random encounter in Pandemonium:
Defender, Genji Helmet, Venetia Shield, Diamond Armor, Dark Matter

disc 4: 
Weapon: 79 Defender
Head: 79 Kaiser Helm
Arms: 79 Venetia Shield
Body: 51 Diamond Armor, 28 Maximillian
Addon: 78 Dark Matter, 1 Rebirth Ring

Steiner Version:


Dagger has two possible setups depending on whether you switch from the Ribbon to the Dark Matter at level 42 or level 43. People using the Steiner version can choose either of these.

at level 42:
Optimal stats: 48 Spirit, 90 Magic, 57 Strength, 30 Speed
Optimal equipment setup:

Weapon: 98 Magic Racket
Head: 98 Holy Miter
Arms: 98 Magic Armlet
Body: 97 Minerva's Plate, 1 Robe of Lords
Addon: 41 Ribbon, 5 Dark Matter, 52 Pearl Rouge

at level 43:


Optimal stats: 49 Spirit, 72 Strength, 65 Magic, 29 Speed
Optimal equipment setup:

Black Mages (7 levels):

Head: Iron Helm
Arms: Bronze Gloves
Body: Linen Cuirass
Addon: Glass Buckle

Tantarian (11 levels):

Head: Barbut
Arms: Mythril Gloves
Body: Plate Mail
Addon: Barette

Pandemonium (Amdusias + random encounter (11 levels)):

Head: Barbut
Arms: Venetia Shield
Body: Minerva's Plate
Addon: Barette

disc 4:

Head: 66 Barbut, 3 Kaiser Helm
Arms: 69 Venetia Shield
Body: 69 Minerva's Plate
Addon: 68 Barette, 1 Black Belt

If you have Steiner take Abadon's experience and thus don't level him and Freya in a random encounter, just move 3 levels from Pandemonium to disc 4.


This one is divided into three sections depending on your preference for Quina's orientation.



Optimal stats: 48 Spirit, 66 Strength, 68 Magic, 24 Speed
Optimal equipment setup:

Head: 98 Holy Miter
Arms: 98 N-Kai Armlet
Body: 32 Robe of Lords, 66 Dark Gear
Addon: 4 Rebirth Ring, 94 Dark Matter

Quina can gain a variable number of levels before Pandemonium, so I just put all the leveling together. You can work out how much to subtract based on Quina's level after Pandemonium.




  1. I have a question: with your approach, how many stat points are lost from fighting Tantairan and the forced Pandemonium battles in relation to the optimal stats possible (those you'd get if u had all equipment available from level 1). Thanks in advance and congratulations on your work.

  2. Tantarian and Abadon are the only ones that cause stat loss. Freya loses 2 magic points from fighting Tantarian. If Steiner takes Abadon's XP he loses 1 magic point. If balanced Quina takes Abadon's XP s/he loses one strength point but gains 1 magic point and 1 speed point (according to Letao's definition of balanced Quina).
