And now I begin the final disc. After the initial scenes at Black Mage Village, I put Freya, Amarant, and Steiner in my party, then flew to Lindblum to start the Nero Family Side-quest. When I was finished there, I traveled to the chocobo tracks by Esto Gaza and called Choco. I then swam to the former location of Shimmering Island and dug up the Ultima Weapon. With that in hand, I returned to the Invincible and equipped my party as follows:
Freya Amarant Steiner Zidane
Holy Lance (no changes) Ragnarok Ultima Weapon
Mythril Helm Barbut Green Beret
Gauntlets Diamond Gloves N-Kai Armlet
Minerva's Plate Maximilian Power Vest
Barette Rebirth Ring Ribbon
(no changes (no changes) Auto-Life (no changes)
except she lost Distract
Counter from MP Attack
not having a Bird Killer
Venetia Shield) Devil Killer
I then saved before heading off to Memoria. After skipping the three FMVs the battle against Nova Dragon began. I carefully planned this battle to set me up for Charge!, and it went even better than I had hoped. Steiner began the battle by attacking. Nova Dragon countered this attack, and Steiner tanked the hit. Nova Dragon then used Tidal Wave. This damaged Freya and knocked out Amarant. I then attacked some more and had Zidane revive Amarant. Nova Dragon countered Freya, but missed her. It then used Aerial Slash, which brought Freya to critical HP, yet she remained standing. The attack knocked out Steiner, but he revived thanks to Auto-Life. I kept bringing the heat with more attacks, and Nova Dragon responded with Psychokinesis, which knocked out Zidane. One more round of attacks with Charge! then finished the battle, and my entire party is ready for Charge! in my next battle. I'm not going to bother listing abilities learned anymore because they're not important at this point. I've already learned all the abilities I'm going to use for the rest of the challenge with a couple notable exceptions that will show up later.
NOTE: It's possible that Freya might not quite be reduced to critical HP from these attacks. As long as she's under 400 HP, you can still get her to critical by using HP+10% and/or HP+20%. You will have to sacrifice some abilities to activate these, so it's your call on whether to use them. You can get HP+20% from the Battle Boots, which you should have picked up in Pandemonium.
Once I regained control of my party in Memoria, I immediately got back on the Invincible, keeping my same party. I then went back to Lindblum and got the next Nero brother to join the search. With that done, I returned to Memoria and saved at the orb. I then proceeded to Maliris, getting no encounters along the way. Before engaging in the fight, I revived Zidane and gave him the Dark Matter, then gave Freya a Venetia Shield, Amarant a Green Beret, and Steiner a Venetia Shield. I also switched everyone's Man Eater for Devil Killer, also removing Zidane's Distract and Bird Killer and giving him Body Temp and Bandit as well as removing Freya's Dragon Killer and Locomotion and giving her Counter and Cover.
My battle against Maliris was perfect! Freya attacked first, then Maliris responded by attacking her but missing. Zidane then stole the Genji Armor, Steiner used Charge!, and Amarant and Freya attacked. Maliris then attacked Amarant, but Freya covered for him, dodged, and counterattacked! A few more attacks then finished it off. Maliris's dying attack knocked everyone out, but Steiner revived with Auto-Life to let me win the day! I revived everyone and gave Freya an Ether on my way to the next save point and saved with a time of 11:03:48.
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