Saturday, September 20, 2014

Tiamat, Kraken, and Lich

With Maliris defeated, I had to make a few annoying back-and-forth runs to make more Nero family members join the search. When I reached the entrance of Memoria, I brought my three highest-level characters (Dagger, Quina, and Freya) along to slightly increase the probability of escaping battles through L1+R1. It still never worked for me, but it might work for you. I allowed one encounter between saves throughout this whole process.

When I finally got to Tiamat, I first picked up the Rune Claws and equipped them to Amarant along with the Power Belt. I also switched Freya's Demon Killer out for Dragon Killer. Tiamat began the battle by using Absorb Magic, which was harmless. Zidane then used Soul Blade to put it to sleep. I then had Steiner use Charge!, Freya and Amarant attack, and Zidane use Soul Blade again. It's important to correctly time the selection of commands here. If you begin too early, Zidane's ATB gauge won't fill before the attacks start. If you begin too late, Tiamat will wake up before the first attack. The right time to begin selecting commands is when Zidane's ATB gauge is about 1/4 full. After this second Soul Blade, I repeated the same commands as before except I made Zidane steal instead of use Soul Blade again and had him do it before Freya's and Amarant's attacks. Zidane stole the Blood Sword, and Freya's attack finished the battle.

After the battle, I saved at the hidden save point in the next screen. I allowed two encounters in the next part because it's really difficult to get through those two longer screens without an encounter. Fortunately, these were the last random encounters I had to endure. I saved again at the next save point, then proceeded to the room with Kraken. Before engaging Kraken, I distributed Ether to everyone, then gave Freya the Dragon's Hair and Diamond Gloves, Amarant the Kaiser Knuckles and Black Belt, Steiner the Cross Helm, Diamond Gloves, Diamond Armor, and Power Belt, and Zidane the Ribbon. I also switched back to Demon Killer instead of Dragon Killer for Freya.

Zidane began this fight by attacking one of Kraken's tentacles. Kraken then attacked and missed. I then had Amarant attack the other tentacle, Steiner Shock the beast for 9999 damage, and Freya use Dragon Breath to repeat that damage and kill off the tentacles. Zidane then stole the Genji Helmet and Kraken cast Waterga, which knocked out Amarant and healed Zidane, so I had Freya revive him and Steiner use Charge! Kraken then attacked and missed again, and I finished the battle with one more Charge!

I saved in the next room, then gave Freya and Steiner another Ether and returned Freya's Steiner's, and Zidane's equipment to what they had before Kraken. I then went straight to the final boss of this challenge, Lich. Lich began by using Venom Powder on Freya, which missed. I then had Zidane steal the Genji Gloves while everyone else went all out. Lich then used Death Cutter and missed again, and one more Charge! ended the battle.

With all that over, I walked to the save point and saved with a final time of 11:36:33. After 13 months, I finally made it! I like to leave picking up the Excalibur II until after the save. This leaves a buffer of about 23 minutes for anyone who would like to follow in my footsteps. By the way, I have 16 Ethers left at the end, so you can feel free to sell a few more than I did if you're ever short on cash at some point.

Well, this will be my last post on here. Feel free to contact me with any questions or needed clarifications.  Until then, goodbye and I hope you enjoyed reading this!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Nova Dragon and Maliris

And now I begin the final disc. After the initial scenes at Black Mage Village, I put Freya, Amarant, and Steiner in my party, then flew to Lindblum to start the Nero Family Side-quest. When I was finished there, I traveled to the chocobo tracks by Esto Gaza and called Choco. I then swam to the former location of Shimmering Island and dug up the Ultima Weapon. With that in hand, I returned to the Invincible and equipped my party as follows:

Freya                Amarant                 Steiner                   Zidane

Holy Lance      (no changes)          Ragnarok               Ultima Weapon
Mythril Helm                                   Barbut                   Green Beret
Gauntlets                                        Diamond Gloves    N-Kai Armlet
Minerva's Plate                              Maximilian             Power Vest
Barette                                           Rebirth Ring           Ribbon
(no changes     (no changes)         Auto-Life                (no changes)
except she lost                               Distract
Counter from                                 MP Attack
not having a                                   Bird Killer
Venetia Shield)                              Devil Killer

I then saved before heading off to Memoria. After skipping the three FMVs the battle against Nova Dragon began. I carefully planned this battle to set me up for Charge!, and it went even better than I had hoped. Steiner began the battle by attacking. Nova Dragon countered this attack, and Steiner tanked the hit. Nova Dragon then used Tidal Wave. This damaged Freya and knocked out Amarant. I then attacked some more and had Zidane revive Amarant. Nova Dragon countered Freya, but missed her. It then used Aerial Slash, which brought Freya to critical HP, yet she remained standing. The attack knocked out Steiner, but he revived thanks to Auto-Life. I kept bringing the heat with more attacks, and Nova Dragon responded with Psychokinesis, which knocked out Zidane. One more round of attacks with Charge! then finished the battle, and my entire party is ready for Charge! in my next battle. I'm not going to bother listing abilities learned anymore because they're not important at this point. I've already learned all the abilities I'm going to use for the rest of the challenge with a couple notable exceptions that will show up later.

NOTE: It's possible that Freya might not quite be reduced to critical HP from these attacks. As long as she's under 400 HP, you can still get her to critical by using HP+10% and/or HP+20%. You will have to sacrifice some abilities to activate these, so it's your call on whether to use them. You can get HP+20% from the Battle Boots, which you should have picked up in Pandemonium.

Once I regained control of my party in Memoria, I immediately got back on the Invincible, keeping my same party. I then went back to Lindblum and got the next Nero brother to join the search. With that done, I returned to Memoria and saved at the orb. I then proceeded to Maliris, getting no encounters along the way. Before engaging in the fight, I revived Zidane and gave him the Dark Matter, then gave Freya a Venetia Shield, Amarant a Green Beret, and Steiner a Venetia Shield. I also switched everyone's Man Eater for Devil Killer, also removing Zidane's Distract and Bird Killer and giving him Body Temp and Bandit as well as removing Freya's Dragon Killer and Locomotion and giving her Counter and Cover.

My battle against Maliris was perfect! Freya attacked first, then Maliris responded by attacking her but missing. Zidane then stole the Genji Armor, Steiner used Charge!, and Amarant and Freya attacked. Maliris then attacked Amarant, but Freya covered for him, dodged, and counterattacked! A few more attacks then finished it off. Maliris's dying attack knocked everyone out, but Steiner revived with Auto-Life to let me win the day! I revived everyone and gave Freya an Ether on my way to the next save point and saved with a time of 11:03:48.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Pandemonium and Escape from Terra

When I started the game up again, I set up my party as follows:

Zidane              Freya                   Steiner                  Amarant

Orichalcon        Dragon's Hair      Defender               Kaiser Knuckles
Adaman Hat      Barbut                Genji Helmet         Bandana
Bone Wrist        Venetia Shield     Venetia Shield       Bone Wrist
Gaia Gear          Minerva's Plate   Diamond Armor    Power Vest
Rebirth Ring      Barette                Dark Matter           Black Belt
Accuracy+        Auto-Float          Auto-Float            MP Attack
Alert                 Accuracy+          Distract                 Bird Killer
                         MP Attack          Bird Killer             Devil Killer
                         Bird Killer           Ability Up             Man Eater
                         Dragon Killer                                   Body Temp
                         Level Up

Amarant is now all set with his abilities until I get the Excalibur II.

I then made my way through the Pandemonium maze, gathering the treasure along the way. I needed one encounter to set up Charge! and it went perfectly. I encountered an Abadon. I began by having Amarant attack. Abadon then cast Thundaga on Freya, which she survived with only ~100 HP remaining. Zidane and Amarant then self-KOed, and Freya attacked Abadon to finish it. Freya went up to level 30 and Steiner went up to level 20 as a result of this battle.

I then continued through the maze until I reached the moogle, at which point I delivered the letter and saved. When I reloaded, I used an Ether on Steiner, revived Zidane and Amarant, and adjusted my equipment and abilities for the next battles as follows:

Zidane              Freya                    Steiner                  Amarant

Orichalcon        Holy Lance          Coral Sword            Kaiser Knuckles
Green Beret      Mythril Helm        Cross Helm            Coronet
Bone Wrist        Venetia Shield      Thunder Gloves     Bone Wrist
Power Vest        Minerva's Plate    Diamond Armor    Power Vest
Dark Matter      Barette                 Power Belt              Black Belt
Accuracy+        Accuracy+           Distract                 (no changes)
Distract              Distract               MP Attack    
MP Attack        MP Attack            Bird Killer    
Bird Killer        Dragon Killer        Man Eater    
Man Eater         Man Eater            Counter        
                         Counter                Ability Up
                         Body Temp      

I also put everyone in the front row and switched Zidane's and Amarant's positions because Zidane is the weakest attacker at this point. If you only have one Power Vest then you can give Zidane a Judo Uniform instead. I then proceeded to the battles. Silver Dragon went down instantly from just one use of Charge! After the battle, Amarant learned Man Eater, Gamble Defense, and HP+20%, Freya learned Dragon's Crest and Auto-Float, Steiner learned Charge!, MP Attack, and Ability Up, and Zidane learned Detect.

Garland opened the next battle by casting Flare on Amarant. I had Zidane revive him and everyone go all out with attacks and Charge! Garland then used Psychokinesis on Zidane, so Amarant returned the favor of reviving and I ended the battle with another attack from Freya and a Charge!

When I fought Kuja, he began by casting Demi on Amarant, knocking him out, so I had to revive him again. I then continued the pattern of attacks and Charge! Kuja then cast Thundaga on Steiner, so I revived him and had to content myself with just normal attacks that round. Kuja cast Thundaga one more time on Zidane, but I didn't bother reviving him because the battle was over with more attacks and Charge! I didn't have to restore anyone's MP during these fights thanks to my leveling of Steiner.

With the fights over, I breezed through the escape and evacuation scenes as quickly as possible and then saved at the end of disc 3 with a time of 10:46:58. Just one more disc left!

Monday, September 1, 2014

You're Not Alone!

Now I get to blaze toward the end of disc 3. Stiltzkin appeared in the hut when I reloaded, so I bought his items. I then equipped my party as follows:

Zidane              Freya                  Quina                 Amarant

Orichalcon        Dragon's Hair       Bistro Fork          Kaiser Knuckles
Adaman Hat      Barbut                Holy Miter           Bandana
Bone Wrist       Venetia Shield     N-Kai Armlet        -
Gaia Gear         Minerva's Plate   Robe of Lords       -
Rebirth Ring      Barette                Dark Matter         -
Auto-Life          HP+10%             Level Up              Bird Killer
Accuracy+       Accuracy+          Insomniac          
Alert                MP Attack          Loudmouth      
                       Bird Killer           Auto-Potion
                       Level Up

After exiting the hut, I picked up the Angel Earrings on my way to the inn. I went through the scene then went to talk to the girl, picking up the Elixir while I was there. Then, as Eiko, I picked up the Elixir in the inn and the Flash Hat. I then went to the entrance of Bran Bal, then went one screen to the right and immediately turned around. This opened up the path to continue on.

I sat through some long scenes, and then it was time for the forced experience battles. This part used to be considered very difficult to survive through, but it was a cakewalk with the new strategies I used. First up is Amdusias. This was the easiest of the three before, but now it almost seems hard in comparison to how easy the others were. To begin, I waited for Amdusias to cast Bio and knock out Zidane. Amdusias can counter any move you make against it, including stealing, so don't bother. Its items aren't very good anyway. When Freya showed up, I had Zidane and Freya attack, in that order. Amdusias countered Zidane's attack, knocking him out, and Freya's attack pushed the battle to the final stage. Amarant attacked once, then Amdusias wasted its turn. This allowed me to finish the battle by having Amarant self-KO and Freya attack for the win.

Next up: Abadon. With the way I've prepared for this battle, my party is well protected from Abadon's attacks. With Quina at level 28 and the other two equipped as they are, all three characters can survive Thundaga. Quina can survive any of Abadon's attacks, and will even have a net gain of HP after High Wind thanks to Auto-Potion. When the battle began, Abadon opened things up with a Blade attack that missed, and Quina and Steiner defended. Abadon then used High Wind, knocking out Steiner. Zidane then entered the battle, and Abadon immediately used High Wind again, knocking out Zidane, who revived with 1 HP. I then had Quina revive Steiner. Abadon's next move was to cast Thundaga on Steiner, which he absorbed. Steiner and Zidane then attacked. Abadon then used Blade and missed again, so Steiner got another attack in. At this point, Abadon used High Wind and knocked out Steiner and Zidane, which was just what I wanted. Quina then attacked, but his damage was too low to finish the fight. Abadon attacked with Blade again and connected this time, but Quina had no problem surviving it. Finally, Quina attacked again and finished it.

And last we have Shell Dragon. Zidane immediately fell to a Charge but revived thanks to Auto-Life. This bought Dagger into the fight. Shell Dragon then used Earth Shake, which both my characters absorbed. Zidane then attacked, while Dagger remained on standby. Shell Dragon then used Charge again, knocking out Zidane, and Dagger finished things off by summoning Shiva for 9999 damage.

NOTE: If your Dagger is gaining levels in this fight, then you will need multiple attacks and/or summonings of Shiva to end this fight. If you would prefer not to use Shiva, then you will have to resort to the trance strategy given in the guide.

As a result of these fights, Freya advanced to level 27 and Quina advanced to level 32. Dagger gained no levels, exactly as she was supposed to. I removed Quina's equipment before reuniting the party, but left Dagger alone because I don't need any of the things she has on. I then formed a party with Zidane, Freya, Steiner, and Amarant, which will be my party for the rest of the challenge. Because the fights were so easy, I decided to grab the Holy Miter before saving here. It doesn't really make any difference in the long run. My time on saving is 10:29:48.