Monday, January 27, 2014

Lani and the Elixir

The first order of business upon loading up my save is to go get Quina back in my party. Once I had the frog lover again, it was time to equip my party. Here's how I set everyone up:

Zidane                     Vivi                     Dagger                 Quina

Mythril Dagger         Mage Staff          Air Racket            Needle Fork
Bandana                 Magus Hat          Mage's Hat
Bone Wrist              Bone Wrist         Mythril Armlet
Survival Vest           Silk Robe            Magician Robe      Cotton Robe
Germinas Boots      Coral Ring           Power Belt            Gold Choker
Protect Girls             Insomniac
Alert                        Loudmouth
Insomniac                Auto-Potion

This setup is to maximize my chance of success against Lani. Lani will always begin the battle with a physical attack against Dagger and will thereafter always target Dagger with every spell if she is standing. The Magician Robe and Power Belt guarantee that she will survive this first attack. If Lani then decides to use another physical attack, Zidane will cover for her and will probably survive thanks to the Survival Vest. If you don't have a Survival Vest you can give him the Adaman Vest, but then he'll probably get knocked out if he takes a hit for Dagger.

After getting everyone ready, I entered Fossil Roo and ran like mad from Armodullahan. In the battle against Lani, she opened with an attack against Dagger, as expected. I then had Dagger attack Quina for 45 damage and Vivi attack Quina for 44 damage, leaving him with 1 HP (you know what that means!) The chance of them both doing the correct amounts of damage is 1/3. Lani then took her second turn and blasted Dagger with a Fira spell. Zidane then stole the Gladius, and Quina finished it with Limit Glove. I would have preferred to steal the Coral Sword, but the Gladius is good enough for me.

With Lani out of the way, it was time to backtrack and get Armodullahan's Elixir. Before setting out, I gave Vivi the Ice Staff, Zidane the Adaman Vest, and Quina a Bandana, Bone Wrist, and Survival Vest. I also activated Quina's Add Status and Insomniac. The Add Status was for in case Quina got a chance to try and petrify an enemy before Zidane got a turn, but that never happened in my successful run.

I took no chances regarding my party's HP. Before setting out and after every battle I made sure my party was fully healed. I did not want Zidane getting knocked out! The first battle was fine; Zidane was able to Flee right away. The second battle was against two Abominations, so I took the opportunity to learn Night as the guide instructs. However, one of them slapped Zidane and did 120 damage! I didn't think this was possible. I suppose this is an instance of the monster at the top of the list being stronger for no apparent reason as Camdad04 has brought up before. This slowed me down a bit, but I was able to revive Zidane and escape.

After that encounter I reached the Elixir. I then ran up into the next room and back to reset the encounter rate, helping me get through that room without an encounter. I had two more uneventful encounters on my way back to where I fought Lani and celebrated when I made it with a total of only four encounters! I then pressed forward into Fossil Roo, bought Stiltzkin's deal, read the letter from Kuppo, and saved. My time is now 04:30:09. I lost a little bit of time due to my equipping during this circuit instead of the last, the longer strategy against Lani, and having Zidane get knocked out. However, I think the time I saved by not synthesizing the Exploda in Lindblum balances out the time for the Lani fight, so between the two circuits it's still a net gain for me.

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